Monday, February 16, 2009

Value creation

The beauty of synergies encapsulated in the simple equation of 1 plus 1 is equal to -1.
For immediate examples look at the recent merger exercises by SimeDarby amongst others.

Or maybe,we can reverse into demergers to create value i.e 1 divided by 2 is equal to -1.The shining example of this strategy is the TM corporate exercise.

The next viable option would be to demerge a merged corporation and then merge it with one half of a demerged entity.The equation will be bracket 1 plus 1 divided by 2,,then a slight pause before we add that results to bracket 1 divided by 2 and then divide by 2. Simplified ;

-1/2 + -1/2= -1

They must be something wrong with my maths as everything comes back to -1.Is it because I have not added the consultancy and transaction fees or is it because I am a natural optimist.

Let me talk to my pyscho and will clarify soonest.

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